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A Playfair Cipher-based Secured Patients’ Information Transaction System

Md. Ismail Jabiullah, Arindra Dey Arni, Bipasha Babul Brishti


Secured patient’s information transaction between doctors and expert doctors from home and abroad, from remote to global for many reasons. A secured patients’ information transaction system has been designed developed and implemented in Java programming language that can be used for patient information communication using Playfair symmetric key cryptographic technique. The proposed system first prepared a table of text space matrix using a keyword without repeating character and then performed encryption on the patient’s sensitive information to produce ciphertext and then sent it to the destination. In the receiving end first prepare a text space matrix with the same keyword and then performed decryption on the receiving ciphertext to the retrieve the patients’ information as plaintext. This proposed system has been implemented in Java code, produced several outputs for inputs and are analyzed. This can be applied where higher level security services are required.

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