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Design and Fabrication of Water Body Cleaning Machine

Yuvaraj A.


This project emphasizes on design and fabrication of the water body cleaning machine. As we know that water bodies are too polluted, similarly sometimes the aquatic animal tends to eat surface waste debris considering it as food which ultimately causes the death of animals and it also causes skin infections & respiratory diseases to human. The water body cleaning machine is used to places where is waste debris in the body which is to be removed. First the area of garbage or debris is approached and cleaned over by an operator, controlling the machine. Due to its design, it is cost effective and very useful for the society. It also reduces the difficulties which we are facing to keep our water body clean. India is the land of rivers but these days it is being polluted more and more. The water pollution is major problem in water bodies; due to increase in water pollution in the form waste debris, it is hampering the life of human, animal & marine. By Looking the current situation of our country’s river we have designed the water body cleaning machine.


Key words: Rx-Transmitter, Tx-Receiver, food chain


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