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Review Paper on RFID Based Library Management System

J. Y. Hande, Akshay Amge, Mamta Barapatre, Rohini Mohadikar, Amol Kangale


The RFID system is the Radio Frequency Identification device which is used to tracking assets, objects and many more things. This technology is much more popular in our day to day life in various sectors like industries, companies, schools, hotels, etc. This technology is also can be installed in schools and colleges of library. The RFID technology is more practically secure in library, hence this technology preferred for the library management system. Here is the one more advance point can be added i.e. proper book place tracking management system. It means that the RFID should only track the fix position place of the book which is decided by librarian of the library. Due to that nobody can randomly keep the books in library. If anybody want to do like, then on that person charge may be apply.


Keywords: RFID, hardware part, software part, library


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