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Solar Powered Thermoelectric Refrigeration System

Sayali Paunikar, Aparna Gadlinge, Ashish Pidurkar, Sanket Ramatkar, Harshal Jogdand, Rani Sabre, D. N. Katole


Demand for refrigeration in all areas, such as refrigeration, nutrient security, clinical administration, antibody storage and temperature control of electronic components, has expanded to create more energy and thus increase the ration of CO2 in the air. It refers to abnormal climate change and many climate changes. Thermoelectric cooling is another option because it can reduce power consumption to produce a cooling effect as well as overcome current charisma issues. Accordingly, thermoelectric cooling is essential in creating countries that need more and less support. The goal of this study was to develop a thermoelectric refrigerator that works for volume 1L cabin cooling using the Peltier effect to cool the selected temperature range from 5°C to 25°C. The refrigeration chamber design incorporates a thermoelectric module (TEM) that works with a Peltier effect to cool the juicer to approximately 18°C. Solar panels have added benefits to providing energy. The design and manufacture of solar powered thermoelectric refrigerators for the required applications will be demonstrated.


Keywords: Solar energy, thermometric module, refrigeration, cooling effect, etc


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