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Review on DIY Ventilator using Arduino with Blood Oxygen Sensing for Covid Pandemic

Vikky Bhakre, Ajay Pathrabe, Sahil Sahare, Shubham Jais, Ankita Bhagat, Jayant Dorve


This paper describes overview of various research done. Human lungs use lungs for respiration. They use push mechanism in each breath. Inhalation and exhalation process take place. The ventilator here we design is to help people during Covid Situation. It is very cheap and affordable. When people suffer from lungs or breathing problem this can be used for emergency situation. Motor mechanism is used to push the air bag. At the point when oxygen level counts are low this mechanism can be performed little screen is used to display. The oxygen levels. The entire system is driven by an Arduino microcontroller and a buzzer is fitted to detect any low levels of oxygen count.


Keywords: DIY ventilator, air bag, breathing problem, BPM, respiration

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