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Design of a monitoring system to control the air pollution quality using advanced electronics device

Chiranjib Goswami, Sumanta Karmakar, Sampriti Misra, Prabhat Kumar, Pratik Singh, Neyaz Ahmed, Fasahat Neyaz


Due to factors that can affect human health, such as enterprises, urbanization, population growth, and car use, the level of contamination is rising swiftly. The Air Quality is checked using a web server and an IOT-based air contamination checking framework. When the air quality drops below a certain point, which denotes when there is an adequate amount of dangerous gases including CO2, smoking, alcohol, benzene, NH3, and NOx in the atmosphere, a warning will go off. The air quality in PPM will be displayed on the LCD and on the web page, allowing for easy observation of air contamination.

To gauge and show temperature and stickiness level of the climate it needs: 

  • To consolidate progressed discovery innovations to deliver an air quality detecting framework with cutting edge abilities to give minimal expense extensive observing.
  • To show the detected information in easy to use design in LCD show board.

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