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Mine Locator Vehicle

Tanmay D. Salvi, Chaitanya A. Chikahle, Abhijay V. More, Prof. B. T. Salokhe, Prof. K. G. Pise


Landmine detection and removal is a major global problem. Over the past twenty years, a significant quantity of landmines has been laid, and the process of demining is projected to span multiple decades, even in the absence of additional mine placement in the future. Novel technologies like advanced sensors, efficient manipulators, and mobile robots are imperative for achieving a satisfactory rate of mine clearance. Theoretical concepts are translated into tangible hardware components through the construction of prototypes, followed by the integration of software programs to test and refine established ideas. The envisioned robot is designed to detect concealed mines, accurately mark their locations, and prevent inadvertent detonation by avoiding direct contact. Utilizing metal detectors proves effective for uncovering buried mines, given their typical metallic components. This innovative system merges GPS tracking technology with GSM functionality. Subsequently, the GSM module transmits acquired data to authorized mobile users. The primary objective of this initiative is to deploy a GPS-enabled remotely controlled robot for the detection of landmines.

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