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Review on the Interrelationship between Garbha Vriddhi, Garbhini Lakshana, and Garbhini Paricharya

Dr. H.A.R.P Perera, Dr. R.V. Vidhyajini, Dr.U.P.P Wijethunge


The three key terms in Ayurveda that pertain to pregnancy are Garbha Vriddhi, Garbhini Lakshana, and Garbhini Paricharya. The fetus's growth and development while inside the mother's womb is referred to as Garbha Vriddhi. While Garbhini Paricharya refers to the diet, lifestyle, and other practices that a pregnant woman should adhere to to ensure a safe pregnancy, Garbhini Lakshana refers to the signs and symptoms that manifest in a pregnant woman. The interrelationships between these three ideas and their significance in Ayurvedic obstetrics are examined in this study. The study emphasizes that Garbhini Lakshana can offer useful knowledge regarding the mother's and the fetus's health during pregnancy. The right Garbhini Paricharya can protect against complications during pregnancy and assure the health of both the mother and the fetus. The significance of Garbha vriddhi and its connection to the growth of the fetus is also covered in the overview. The study concludes that Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to prenatal care, stressing the value of a healthy diet, suitable lifestyle choices, and routine monitoring of the mother and fetus. Pregnant women can preserve both their health and the health of their unborn child by adhering to Garbhini Paricharya and giving attention to Garbhini Lakshana. Overall, this review emphasizes the significance of these related ideas in Ayurvedic obstetrics and their ability to improve pregnancy care.


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