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Electricity Storage Systems and Scope

Suresh Bhati, Vinayak N. Shet


Electrical Energy Storage (EES) technologies for key applications are reviewed. Particular attention is paid to batteries, fuel cells and super capacitors. Technical characteristics applications are compared. Energy storage can mitigate the intermittency of solar and wind power, it can also respond rapidly to large fluctuations in demand, making grid more responsive and eliminating need for backup power plant. The effectiveness of energy storage facility is determined by how quickly it can react to changes in demand, the rate of energy lost in storage process, its overall storage capacity and its recharge time. Demand for more dynamic and cleaner grid has led to significant increase in the construction and development of new energy storage projects.  Advanced Energy Storage has been key enabling technology for the portable electronics and Electric Vehicles (transportation industry), it's on the same track for utility grid. If a renewable energy is to become prevalent during demand due to electrification, energy storage is critical component


Keywords: Lithium ion (Li+), electron (e-), oxidation reduction, Anode-cathode, voltage-current, energy density, power density


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