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Study of the Change in Ramp Rate of the Grid Due to Solar PV Penetration with a Case Study

Jadeer Nahiz, P. S. Swami


This paper follows the study carried out by the California Independent Systems Operator (CAISO), which deals with a sudden decrease or sudden increase in the morning and evening demand, respectively, caused by solar energy availability in the morning and non-availability in the evening. This study is popularly called the study of the duck curve. With an increase in solar rooftop installations, the grid flexibility and hence reliability get challenged. In this paper, the fact is established that the duck curve is a problem the Indian grid may face in the coming years. Then this fact is challenged by a case study carried out on a randomly selected feeder. The purpose of this study is to check the issues posed by the duck curve and advance towards stable, reliable, and cost-effective performance of the grid in the face of the challenges of intermittence and unreliable distributed generation on the mass level. 


Keywords: Ramp rate, demand, solar PV, over generation


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California ISO - Supply (

Shah, H. A., & Ahmad, A. U. (2018). Solar Energy and Duck Curve. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).

Islam, M. A., & Singh, J. G. (2020). Duck Curve Problem Formulation and Solving Strategies by Utilizing PVr, PEVs, Load Shifting and ANFIS for Greening Bangladesh. International Energy Journal, 20(3A).

Solar power in India - Wikipedia

Analysis of Ramping Capability of Coal-Fired Generation in India-POSOCO


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