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Three Phase Flaut Analysis for Temporary and Permanent

Durgesh Chopade, Vishal Sawant, Vaibhav Jadhav, Vaibhav Madiwal, Shubham Bahadure, Tushar Mohite


The goal of this project is to create a three-phase supply system automatic tripping mechanism. In the event of a temporary fault, the project output immediately resets after a brief interruption, however in the event of a permanent failure, it remains in a tripped status. The project's main benefit is that it will not only keep the appliance from being damaged, but it will also display the sort of system fault that has happened, making it simple for the user to fix the issue. Additionally, it will determine whether the issue is permanent or transient. If the problem is momentary, the supply will be restored after a predetermined interval of 15 seconds; otherwise, the relay receives a permanent trip signal.

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