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A study of the environmental factors affecting employees’ performance in both Jaiz and access bank plc, Nigeria

Remi Aworemi I.F., Adeleye E. O, Aworemi, J. R, Abiri, O. N


This article investigates the environmental factors that affect employee performance in Jaiz and Access Bank plc, two prominent financial institutions in Nigeria. It highlights the significance of employee performance in the banking sector and the need to understand the factors that influence it. Previous studies on employee well-being, organizational performance, and environmental factors are reviewed to provide context and support for the research. The study adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data analysis and qualitative insights through surveys, interviews, and observations. It focuses on identifying and examining key environmental factors such as work-life balance, compensation benefits, training development, workload, and organizational culture. The findings aim to provide valuable insights for the banking sector and enable the development of targeted strategies to enhance employee performance. The research emphasizes the importance of considering environmental factors to optimize human resources and improve overall organizational effectiveness in the banking industry.

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