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Drugs Acting on Parkinsons Disease

Muralinath E., Pooja Devi, Prasanta Chbukdhara, Sanjib Borah, Kalyan C., Archana Jain, Guruprasad M.


Parkinsons sickness (PD) is a dynamic problem that impacts development control. It us manifested by the loss of dopamine producing neurons in the brain and results in symptoms namely brafykinesia, rigidity, postural instability and tremors. Levadopa and carbidopa are helpful in treating parkinsons disease. Longterm usage of levadopa may result in motor fluctuations and dyskinesias Dopamine agonists that is pramipexole and ropinirole activate dopamine receptors and give relief particularly from motor symptoms. MAO _ inhibitors that is rasageline and selegeline stops the catabolism of dopamine in the brain. COMT inhibitors that is entacapone and tolcapone increase the effectiveness of levadopa by stopping it's breakdown. Whatever it may be, tolcapone is related to liver toxicity. Anticholinergic drugs that is benztropine and trihexyphenidyl decrease tremors as well as rigidity by balancing the levels of acetyl choline and dopamine in the brain. Amantadine is an anti viral drug that shows its efficicacy on managing parkinsons symptoms. It is finally concluded that medications play a role in decreasing symptoms and increasing the quality of life particularly for effected I dividuals.

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