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Automatic Routine Display System With Reminder Clock

Hritik Prajapati, Dev Kumar, Harbhajan Singh


The speed at which science and technology are developing has made daily living more convenient. Electronic gadgets are used in many office and home appliances and work items to make tasks easier. One such example is the bell warning system for daily routine times. When the scheduled times arrive, the system alerts the users. The current warning systems have always functioned automatically. The purpose of this research project was to create a reminder tool for students. Daily life and colleges of the current date and prompt them of the time every hour, the time every end of the period and the warning 5 minutes before the bell rings. The goal of the project was to create and put into use a number of automatic warning bell systems that would sound for humans at regular intervals. Arduino served as the data processor in it. The device, which had a loudspeaker and an RTC, was found to function well by delivering a melody to the speaker.

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