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A Review on Fracture Analysis of High Strength Concrete

Abdul Basit, Rahul D. Pandit, Dr. A. P. Wadekar


This review paper focuses on fractural behaviour of concrete by analytical and experimental method. It mainly includes the work carried out in the field of fracture mechanics. It has been observed that the stress-strain behaviour and the failure mode of cement paste and concrete are governed by a process of crack propagation. Hence, the failure of concrete Member under the loading is closely related to crack formation and propagation. It means fracture mechanics plays an important role of propagation of cracks in concrete. Basically fracture mechanics is used for understanding the nature of concrete behaviour. Cracks generally propagate in the direction, which is normal to the greatest tensile stress. In heterogeneous materials, crack initiates in the weakest path in the material. While the shape of the crack is highly irregular, it is expected that the irregularities get smoothed out and the cracks grow in a slow manner forming a simple shape along which the stress intensity factor (SIF) is nearly constant.

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