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A Critical Literature Review on Selection of Subcontractors as the Quality Improvement Tool in Housing Construction

Brijesh Ramani, Dr. Jayeshkumar Pitroda


Nowadays increasing extent of the subcontracting in construction, the prominence of subcontractor selection is repeatedly underestimated. The subcontracting element wants supplementary consideration in subcontractor selection. Excessive numbers of traders and subcontractors from various specializations makes construction industry complex and exclusive industry. To astound the request of advanced equipment, uncommon ability and speculation cost, letting out work to subcontractor has been an example in construction. Selection of the most reasonable subcontractor for a specific work bundle or assignment is foremost to the accomplishment of a construction project. Vast nearness of subcontracting postures difficulties to contractor, customer and their task management groups to oversee such a substantial, different and divided gathering of subcontractors. The difficulty of subcontracting shall not be underestimated particularly in highly competitive environment. For the purpose of securing the best interest of contracting firms and subcontractors should be selected sensibly. A common method for measure construction project results is in relations of time, cost and quality achieved. Success of a construction project is principal liable on the capability of general contractor to select the suitable subcontractor during bidding process, and also satisfactory management of subcontractor during construction. This paper facilitated as a summary of literature review on subcontractor type and current criteria for subcontractor evaluation and selection.

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