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“A study to assess the effectiveness of Structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding Braden scale among Staff Nurses in selected hospital at Kolar”

Gethcia I., Revathy .


The ideal course of action to preserve skin integrity is pressure ulcer prevention. This nursing responsibility is difficult. In order to prevent pressure ulcers, a skilled nurse must assess the integumentary system, be aware of risk factors, and have an on-going evaluation plan in place to track the effectiveness of nursing care and its incidence. Research-based tools like the Braden scale are readily available and greatly aid in determining a patient's pressure ulceration risk. The Braden scale is a tried and tested pressure ulcer risk assessment scale. By using the Braden scale, Nurses can determine which interventions should be performed to prevent pressure ulcer. To assess the impact of a structured education program on staff nurses' understanding of the Braden scale. The research Approach adopted for the study was the experimental approach and the design used for the study was Pre experimental one-group pre-test post-test design among Staff Nurses at selected hospital Kolar (N=40) The tool used to collect data was structured knowledge questionnaire. The subject was selected by Nonprobability convenient sampling technique. The feasibility of the study refinement of the tool was assessed through pilot study. The structured knowledge questionnaire regarding Braden scale on Staff Nurses was assessed by using descriptive and inferential statistics (Paired ‘t’test). The overall knowledge scores of respondents were found to be 47.9% with standard deviation 5.54 in pre-test, and in post-test the overall knowledge scores of respondents were found to be 75.7% with standard deviation 4.29 in post-test. The obtained "t" value is 11.80 is greater than the table value at 0.01(2.704) level of significance. Therefore, "t" value is found to be significant. It means there is gain in knowledge level of staff nurses. This demonstrates that the Braden Scale Structured Teaching Program is successful in raising staff nurses' level of knowledge. The present study attempted to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching programme on knowledge of staff nurses regarding Braden scale at selected hospital Kolar and concluded that there was a significant improvement in the knowledge after Structured Teaching Programme. Thus, Structured Teaching Programme on Braden scale is effective in improving the knowledge of the staff nurses.

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