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The Impact of Drugs on Angina Pectoris: A Comprehensive Analysis

Muralinath E., Pooja Devi, Prasanta Chbukdhara, Sanjib Borah, Kalyan C., Archana Jain, Guruprasad M.


      Angina pectoris  is a cardio vascular  condition manifested  by chest pain or discomfort  occurred by reduced blood flow to the heart muscle.  Nitro glycerin also dilates coronary arteries and increases blood flow to the heart muscle.   Vasodilators relaxes blood vessels and decreases hearts workload.  Beta blockers  decrease oxygen  demand and stop angina episodes.

Antiplatlet  agents are frequently  used for individuals  withvangina .  Aspirin stops the aggregation  of platelets and decreases the risk of blood clot formation and subsequent vmyocardial infarction. Clopidogrel is used only with aspirin for enhanced efficacy.  Statins decrease  angina by lowering  cholesterol leves in the blood. Angiotensin_ converting enzyme (ACE) inhibit  and angiotensin II receptor blockers  ( ARBs ) are used to treat hypertension of heart failure.  These drugs dilate the blood vessels and decrease the workload on the heart and contribute to the management  of angina symptoms.   Ranazoline performs by inhibiting  sodium  channels in the heart and decrease intra cellular  calcium and consequently  myocardial  oxygen demand.  Finally it is concluded that the pharmacological management  of angina pectoris involves a variety  of drugs targeting various  aspects of cardio vascular  system.  

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