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Retinal Recognition Security System using Various Techniques

M. Akash, J. Kiranraj, M. Ramkumar, G. Sakthiraj, A. Pandian


Security cautions and dysfunctions are the major problems among many people in this digital world. Biometric authentication is a key technique in data security. Nowadays this system is a better replacement for traditional systems like ID cards, PAN cards, PINs, and alphanumeric passwords. This biometric security system scans the retina of the person and recognizes the authorized user. One of the best and safest biometric features in our body is the retina of the eye. Since the retinal blood vessel pattern is unique it can be effectively used as a standard biometric system in a wide range. The hardware part consists of a system and Arduino and the software part of MATLAB and its image processing techniques. This could be even safer because the retinal pattern differs from person to person. Compared with other recognition software retina recognition is the safest security system because it cannot be easily forged. 


Keywords: Biometric authentication system, retinal pattern, image processing, segmentation, MATLAB, arduino

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