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Robot that can be Controlled from Anywhere Using IOT for Multipurpose Applications

Mohammed Anas Ahmed, Zubeda Begum, Mohammed Ahmed, Mohammed Khaleel


Robots are used to make a task or work easier, which is being possible by the advancement in technologies. Like Internet of thing (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and many other emerging technologies. This robot will be controlled via android mobile phone. We can control the movement of the robot by sending instructions via BLYNK App from our android phone. The robot will receive the instruction via the Node MCU ESP8266 module and process the data with Arduino microcontroller. Then it will move the robot in all direction with the help of motor driver L293D by following the instructions received from android mobile phone on BLYNK app. An APR33A3 voice module is used in this robot which can be programmed to read out particular voice message fed by user and it is also controlled through BLYNK app. The main purpose of this robot will be to provide medicines to Alzheimer’s patient on required time, receive packages or parcels when nobody is at home, for delivering food and medicines to patients who have spreadable disease and are in isolation.


Keywords: Robot, Node MCU, Wi-Fi module 

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