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Fire Detection Using Python and OpenCV: A Practical Approach

Dr. S. China Venkateswarlu, Dr. V Padmanabha Reddy, Dr. B Polaiah


The most common hazard among the different hazards is fire accident (or)fire hazard. so early detection and prevention of the fire accident would cause less casualty and first-aid treatment can be provided on time. This can be implemented using different algorithms and techniques i.e., one among the technique is by using aerial image-based computer vision algorithms like convolution neural networks and image processing methods ,here in this case it uses a separable CNNs which is a variant of CNN which converts the raw image into max pool by applying separable conv 2Dand Batch normalization to obtain the output layer in image processing unit will detect whether the obtained image has fire or not based upon that it output the result, but this is more Complex Over The Operations It performs, to overcome this a purposed method which overcome the drawbacks of the existing method would be implemented using computer vision technique using algorithms of python IDE which directly deals with the vision of the situation and alert on time to overcome situation on time ,this method can be implemented at the places were the population density is more and operatable on the road side using cameras. And it also operatable using manually or using hardware setup .so, with this methodology we can easily access the scenario and reaction time.

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