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IoT Based Smart Wheelchair System

Nemil Panchamia, Shreyas Shah, Jainam Shastri, Archana Chaugule


With maturity, weak bones and weakness these issues may lead to extend risk of falling. For this purpose we've projected associate degree IOT based mostly good chair which can work as Fall Detection System. This technique uses sensors like Wi-Fi module and a microcontroller that sends the overall info concerning fall. The microcontroller receives all the knowledge from the sensors and constantly transmits and monitors the acceleration and additionally the orientation of the person. Any quick movement or modification among the system which can result from a fall is taken into consideration as a ‘fall’ and can be reportable. A significant concern would be that not all quick movement might find you from a fall and can be thought as a matter of concern. To avoid this warning we've provided to snooze the system. This button are pressed before a particular time of 15-30 seconds to stop the system from deed the alert, therefore avoiding any confusion and panic. Inaudible sensors area unit won’t to discover obstacles. The example is meant in such how that it are often used severally and expeditiously with less effort. It saves time, reduces price and energy of the users. This technique is mounted to the person’s good chair.


Keywords: Microcontroller, inaudible sensors, smart wheelchair

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