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Smart Digital Notice Board

Ajith Ezhumalai, B. Sivabharathi, M. Thirumoorthi, P. R. Bijisha


This project deals with an innovative rather an interesting manner of intimating the message to the people using a wireless electronic display board which is synchronized using the Bluetooth technology. This will help us in passing any message very quickly immediately by sending a SMS which is preferable and more solid over the old conventional method of passing the message on notice board. This proposed innovation can be utilized in schools’ numerous public spots, shopping centres or huge structures to improve the security system and furthermore make consciousness of the crisis circumstances and keep away from numerous dangers. Utilizing Bluetooth module show the message onto the display board. Bluetooth module sends the SMS to the student or register number. The Electronic notice onto the display board and Bluetooth module send the SMS to the student or register number. The Electronic notice board is wireless and no need of wires for displaying the information on theP10 LED Dot Matrix Display. It is so simple to operate and consumes a smaller amount power. The circuit of the wireless notice board is transportable. It is proposed to design receive cum display toolkit which can be programmed and later be used from an authorized mobile phone. It consists of Arduino board, Arduino controller, Blue tooth, mobile phone and P10 LED display board. P10 LED display board is used for testing the proposed model. The interfacing of an Arduino board with mobile phone is quite easy with help of the terminal pin, read/write pin. Hence, we employ Arduino controller. The complexity of coding of our proposed system is less as compared with PC, but once programmed the Arduino controller works at its best. The design technique includes recognizing the various segments and gathering every one of them and it makes appropriate communication. At that point coding process must be done, which needs to deal with the distinction between two successive communications.


Keywords: Bluetooth, arduino, P10 dot matrix display board, embedded C


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