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Diabetic Retinopathy Stages Identification of Fundus Images

Jinsha Manoharan, Neethu Raveendran


Now a days diabetes is a most common lifestyle disease in human being and this can affect the vision very badly hence the name Diabetic Retinopathy (DR). Eye is a most important sensory part in our body because of that we need to identify the stages of DR earlier and cure it as soon as possible in order to avoid the complete loss of vision. This work aims to develop efficient system which help the medical practitioner to identify the mild, medium or severe stage of DR and to take appropriate action for curing DR. Ophthalmologists recognize diabetic retinopathy based on features, such as blood vessel area, exudates, hemorrhages, micro aneurysms and texture. The classification efficiency of various systems is discussed. Strongly believe that this work will be an efficient tool to the ophthalmologist to save a patient from the complete loss of vision.


Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy, fundus images, diabetes


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