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Solar Powered Pesticide Sprayer with IOT

Vaishali Dhumal, Pooja Wanjari, Shubham Sontakke, Samiksha Kalbande, Simran Meshram


In India, Agriculture is a vocation of farmer’s. According to 2019 survey 50% population in India is depending on agriculture and 82% of farmers being minuscule and marginal. Pesticides are paramount. They avail farmers grow more victuals on less land by bulwarking crops from pests, diseases and weeds as well as ascend productivity per hectare. We make solar pesticide sprayer which sprays pesticide on crop and forfend the crop from insects. A Solar predicated Pesticide Sprayer is a four wheeled conveyance running on electricity engendered by photovoltaic panels or the thermal energy available from amassed sunlight. The operation of solar powered pumps is more economical, because it does not require maintenance cost. The solar sprayer has many advantages. Besides minimizing the cost of spraying, there is a preserving on fuel. Withal the purchasing cost of petrol is preserved .The reason why that we are making this model is to abbreviate the efforts of the farmers in the agriculture field for the spraying purport. Customarily farmers carry out this spraying process of insecticides & pesticides manually with their traditional spraying machine. This is generally a time taking process & at the same time it is very much inimical to them & may cause some severe diseases to them. So our project rudimentally predicated on the conception to supersede this manually spraying process with this contrivance along with spraying circuit.


Keyword: Solar panel, AVR, sensors, servo, bluetooth, WI-FI module

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