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Designing a Low Cost Surveillance System

Ankit Yadav, Mohit Gupta, Sugandha K, Deepak Batra


Surveillance systems are essential a part of industries, factories, organizations and houses. They really provide additional assistance within the work of security personnel due to information storing capabilities. Additionally, they also provide extreme assistance in various automation processes of chemical industries where continuous monitoring of certain chemical reactions is mandatory. The installation of such systems at the value of meager amount is that the need of hour for controlling theft and avoiding any disastrous action. This power generation contains both solar panel as well as windmill; both are purely conventional energy resource means they are not going to affect the environment in any ways. Solar panel works when sunlight is present while wind mill is best suitable for the places wind is in very high speed. System contains a battery that is connected with solar panel and wind mill using charge controller for power storage purpose. During this paper we've proposed the hardware and software implementation of smart closed-circuit television using the Espressif’s latest microcontroller ESP32. The proposed implementation acquires continuous video, transmits using integrated Wi-Fi capabilities of aforementioned microcontroller and display on SPI TFT Module connected on receiver end.



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