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Development of a Smart Garden

Biswajit Mallick


An ESP8266 microcontroller controls a servo motor, water pump, lights, and sensors in this smart garden system. The system controls the water pump and lights based on soil moisture and temperature. It opens and closes the garden door using IR sensors. The system automates plant care, reducing water and maintenance and improving growth. The Blynk app lets users monitor and control the system from anywhere, making it easy to use. The system can be customised to adjust soil moisture and temperature sensor thresholds, add sensors, and integrate with other smart home devices. This versatility makes the system suitable for small home gardens and large commercial greenhouses. Additionally, the system can be improved in several ways. Artificial intelligence could learn plant needs and adjust system settings automatically. This would improve the system's intelligence and efficiency and reduce human intervention. Smart garden system work is promising and could change plant care. The system automates garden watering, lighting, and ventilation to save water and energy, improve plant health, and make gardening more fun and accessible.

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