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Laser Security System

Karan S. Mohitkar, Pratik R. Dhende, Hrishikesh A. Mohitkar, Shubham S. Gorwade, Seema Bavachkar


This research paper is to analyze, that now a day’s security is an important aspect. Technology develops day by day in the world. Now days the crime gang also improves their technology to carry out their operation. So technology of security should be modern with time to protect the world from crime. We decide to make a security issue as our project. In this project we have used laser beam to cover a large area. We know laser light goes to long distance without scattering effect. It's additionally obvious just at source and occurrence point, in any case invisible. These two properties help us to develop a modern security system, which may name as "Laser Security System." When any person or object crossover the laser light, automatically the buzzer starts ringing. Laser beam goes through long distance without scattering effect and the ray is almost invisible. The project involves the use of Arduino UNO, Laser light, Buzzer, LDR and a simple program. With this equipment’s we can easily set up a security alarm anywhere for unwanted intruders. A Laser Security System goes about as a standalone system, which makes sound or commotion when it distinguishes any sporadic action or can be part of a much bigger security or any other automation system which can alert owner.


Keyword: Arduino UNO, laser light, buzzer, LDR, jumping cables

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