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Artificial Intelligence Based patrol Rover Robot with Night Vision & Object Detection Technology

A. Sugavardhan, S. Subash Chandra Bose, M. Subiksha, K. Radhika, Praveen Sadasivam


The robotics and automation industry is ruled the sectors from manufacturing to house hold entertainments. It is widely used because of its simplicity and then we ability to modify to changes of needs. The project is designed to develop a robotic rover vehicle using android application for remote operation attached with wireless camera for monitoring purpose. The rover robot along with camera can wireless transmit real time video with night vision capabilities. This is kind of rover robot can be helpful for war fields. The Wi-Fi technology is relatively new as compared to other technologies and there is huge potential of growth and practical application. The android application loaded on mobile devices and it can connect with security system and easy to use GUI. The security system that acts on these command and responds to the user. The CMOS camera and the IR led are attached with security system for remote surveillance. A robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially programming by a computer. A rover robot can be controlled by a human operator, sometimes from a great distance. In now some of applications the wireless communication is more important. This paper also shows general idea and design of the rover robot. Surveillance security robot provides safety like man. Automatic patrolling vehicle for periodic patrolling in defined or a restricted area, the patrolling vehicle can move automatically to monitor the dead zones and capture the images by using the camera.

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