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IoT Based COVID Safety Monitoring System

Abitha Thangam M., Varun Kumar M., Surya R., Ralph Crispin M., Sathya Kumar M. P.


The Corona Virus Disease (COVID) has caused worldwide disruption, deaths of million people and has changed the working of worldwide society. The basic safety precautions such as temperature check, social distancing and use of face mask need to be followed to get rid of the pandemic disease. The COVID safety monitoring system is to be developed to monitor all the three basic precautionary steps. The human body temperature is sensed by Infrared thermal sensor and the output is fed to Raspberry pi. The Pi camera is used to check the social distancing and wearing of face mask. The social distancing check is also checked for a distance of 8m from one person to the other using ultrasonic sensor. The Pi camera input is then given to raspberry pi which was programmed by python. Thus in a single entity, the three safety precautions are monitored and is intimated to the individuals.


Keywords: COVID, safety monitoring, pi camera, ultrasonic sensor, thermal sensor

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