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An Analysis of Connecting Coin using Blockchain

Mrignainy Kansal, Pancham Singh, Radhika Singhal, K. Khyati, Aakanksha Verma, Priya Jain


Nowadays, everyone is talking about digitalization. The entire world is intrigued by this word because the first thought that came to mind was "money," and in this context, we have "Bitcoins," which are money exchanging over the internet in the form of blockchain, the shared ledger technology. Bitcoin works electronically to create a digital currency, and its main purpose is to transfer money in the form of bitcoin. Not only bitcoin, but also other applications such as electronic voting systems, government systems, medical fields, and so on, rule the world. The field of transactions is very unsafe, so security is also a focus that can be achieved through this technology. As a result, we welcomed the World Wide Web. Along with security, other features are also guiding the work. All new things suffer through initial challenges, and blockchain also faces some initial challenges. In this paper, we discuss a few of the major challenges that blockchain technology faces, as well as the fundamental features of blockchain technology and applications.

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