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Enhancing Pastoral Rearing Efficiency and Management Through RFID Tracking and Weight Measurement

Shrinidhi S B, Lokesh R, Basavaraju D S


IoT-based livestock management options offer a clever and effective approach to keep an eye on and track the whereabouts and behaviour of sheep and goats. Farmer can use wearable IoT monitoring devices to monitor the health of their animals and spot behavioural changes that could be early indications of an accident or disease. These tools enable farmers to remotely monitor their cattle herds and make wise ranching decisions by transmitting real-time location data to local or cloud-based livestock management platforms. Additionally, IoT-based tracking systems may open the door to agriculture without fences, where cows are automatically guided to the best grazing locations using virtual fields. IoT-based livestock tracking provides farmers with a variety of advantages, including greater productivity, improved animal care enhanced sustainability, and. The cattle sector has altered as a result of the Internet of Things. Farmers can now keep track of their cattle without having to follow them about by using battery-powered sensors and smart gadgets.

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