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Advanced positron appliances replacing electrical equipment’s for removing negative energy

Jitendra Sunte


If a person has enough free electrons in his body then that person goes in to negative energy and experiences fear, negative thoughts, dull, improper knowledge and finally turned in to foolish. Also in a house lot of electrical equipment’s like fridge, AC, coolers, fans, mixture grinder, etc are there then automatically that house seems to be existence of free electrons which are not fully used. While considering war between positive charge protons, negative charge electron then result is production of gamma rays which are so harmful along with light radiation. The ultimate cancer therapy is to give radiation of proton therapy which is so comfort feel and energetic to human body is used. Not only in cancer therapy but also in all appliances if utilized proton which is enemy of electron then automatically useful, benefits, energetic, advantageous, to human body will be applicable. This paper is to focus on how negative energy is removed from proton. People will like this situation called black magic but this is a negative energy obtained from equipment’s after attaining just they are left that house and switched in to another house.  The entire universe is considered as atom as proton, electron and neutrons.

Cite as:

Jitendra Sunte. (2023). Advanced Positron Appliances Replacing Electrical Equipment's for Removing Negative Energy. Research and Applications of Thermal Engineering, 6(3), 27–30.


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