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Smart Irrigation System- A Survey

Pratheep. S, Divakar. K, Ranjithkumar. S, Anita. E


Man has been exploiting water for irrigation. Since earlier period, necessary civilizations of the plant have developed on the premise of irrigation management. However here are heap of water wastage. Therefore, during this relevancy of conservation of water, we’ve planned a project using Arduino called Automatic Irrigation System that switches the pump motor ON/OFF on sensing the wetness of the soil. Plants reply to the relative lengths to lightweight and dark periods on the intensity and quality of sunshine. Artificial lightweight has been used extensively to regulate plant growth processes underneath varied conditions. Plants dissent within the want for lightweight, some thrive on sunshine, others grow in shade. An LDR could be a part that features a resistance that changes with the sunshine intensity that falls upon it. This permits them to be employed in lightweight sensing circuits. The sensing arrangement is created by exploitation to stiff metallic rods inserted into sector at a distance. Connections from the metallic rods or interfaced to the management unit.

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