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Smart Library System Using NFC Technology

Harish Gurrapu


IoT is an emerging trend at present. A concept of “Smart connected environment” is gaining ground in day-to-day life. Meanwhile, use of internet technology in library management system is also in rise. Earlier system predominantly used RFID or barcodes. These however, had their own limitations. Taking these drawbacks into consideration, we would like to propose a system based on the NFC technology. NFC tags are embedded on the books and are read with the help of NFC readers. This enables accurate, efficient and theft-controlled library operations. This system can also allow the user to read books from their phones, irrespective of their location. The system uses the data stored on the cloud. One of the major goals of this Internet based “Smart Library System” is simplifying the user’s task of searching for the books and issuing books. It also ensures improved maintenance of the books.

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