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Tourism and Travel Management System of Bangladesh

Payel Rani, Rakib Ahmed, Hasan Mahmud


This project “Tourism and Travel Management System” is used to automate all process of the tourism and travel, which deals with creation, booking confirmation and user details. The system allows the user of the system access all the details such as places, hotels, events, etc. The main purpose is to assist tourism companies to manage customer and hotels etc. The system also can be used for both professional and business trips. This project is designed HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap 4, JQuery, as front-end and PHP, MySQL as backend which works in any browsers. On multiple demands of tourist that’s, a customer will select a travel package for a specific place supported the recommendations provided by the previous customers who had experience with the package Initially, we’ll evaluate the actual characteristics of the present traveling packages and that we mine the info on the tourists rating and therefore the intrinsic features i.e., locations, travel seasons etc. Based on the info collected after mining, we’ll generate an inventory for personalized travel package recommendations. Furthermore, we’ll extract the info supported the tourist's relation with the world and season.

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Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation, system/ introduction-travel-management-system management-system-project-report

Davies, A., Ganesan, A., Kavitha, V.(2019). Travel and Tourism Management System. IJCSMC.8(10).12-17.



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