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Wi-Fi Based Smart Notice Board using Raspberry pi

Kartik Choudhary, Sulochana Devi, Smit Mirani, Vivek Kumar Singh


This paper is about advanced wireless digital notice board. In this paper, we are sending the message from the Authorized sender (Faculty) to the LCD which is connected to Raspberry Pi. A Wi-Fi is used for Data transmission. We can add or remove or alter the text according to our requirement whenever we want. A Server is used for sending notices and at receiving end Wi-Fi is connected to the raspberry pi. Wireless is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data over a wireless network, including high-speed wireless connections. The data is received from an authenticated user. The interesting part of our project is that authorized students can retrieve their academic information through voice commands or other input devices. Keywords: Wireless notice board, Raspberry Pi, WIFI based notice board

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