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Lab Automation Using Arduino

Meena Ugale, Vishal Tiwari, Naman Thakrar, Prajyot Bhatkar


These days there is so much in software labs to do. From keeping track of attendance of students and controlling the temperature of AC to turning on and turning off the computers before and after the students leave the lab. This project will reduce the overhead of the clerks and lab assistants to switch on and switch off the computers before and after the student’s usage. Also, the implementation of this project will provide two major benefits. The reduction in consumption of power being the first, and the reduction in the bills of electricity which will profit the organization. This project contains three main modules for implementation of respective goals. First, the attendance module using RFID (Radio-Frequency identification) and Arduino Uno. Second, the switching on the computers on LAN (Local Area Network) using the Wake On Lan command when student enters the lab and switching off the computers automatically as the student leaves. Third, controlling the temperature of the air-conditioner using Arduino mega and temperature sensor.

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