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Vibration and Noise Signal Analysis of Al-SiC MMC Gears

Kiran Kumar N R, Dharmaraj H S, Sayeed Ahamed K I, Ramesh Kurbet, Ajit Prasad S L


The gearbox is the primary tool of power transmission and for effective transmission the smooth operation of gears is essential. But gears do lose their efficiency over time due to various conditions like wear, gear damage etc. This may cause significant economic losses. So to maintain the maximum efficiency a monitoring system must be in place. The monitoring system uses a set of accelerometers, Data acquisition system (DAQ), Microphone in junction with other sensors to collect data. This data is then interpreted using suitable software. A series of graphs are plotted with various parameters like acceleration v/s frequency or acceleration v/s time from various points on the gearbox. This is done with a healthy set of gears and then with a various defective set of gears. The deviation in the waveform of defective gear set when compared with the waveform of a healthy gear set will help us know the form of the defect without opening the gearbox itself. This data can then be used in the monitoring system.

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Kiran Kumar N R, Dharmaraj H S, Sayeed Ahamed K I, Ramesh Kurbet, & Ajit Prasad S. (2020). Vibration and Noise Signal Analysis of Al-SiC MMC Gears. Research and Development in Machine Design, 3(2), 1–9.

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