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The concept behind virtual and real from practical life to creation world in artificial and natural intelligence

Jitendra Sunte


There is a secret behind planning and scheduling of any project, any big work, small work , activities, events, etc. So the major concern with how it will be happen with minimum work input efforts. Th creative idea is virtual for example paper in office word format you cant see that in physical format but you can feel similar in all other fashion. In mechanical, Civil, computer science , all streams  etc  Also so many drafting and analysis software’s like Unigraphics, auto cad, catia, pro E, Solid edge, etc you can see several commands al are work properly in virtual mode , then question arise how it will be in real world what are the dream level and execution level all in artificial and natural intelligence. This paper work on how in artificial intelligence on human body function in proper way of scheduling done through commands only. There are several current trends mechanical machine as CNC lathe, milling, etc, driverless vehicles, all in that instructions are given in coded languages. The direct connection with virtual mode and real mode in execution of projects. In hybrid mode both functions will be feel and executed. For example the design of human body working model by software ergonomics by DSS dassult integrated software same as catia basic software there n number of softwares worked in cloud here in ergonomics human body modelled and designed, also analysed with constraints like loading displacements , deformations etc all will be pre planned will be analysed. the material as skin, bones, muscles etc will be added.   

Cite as:

Jitendra Sunte. (2023). The Concept behind Virtual and Real from Practical Life to Creation World in Artificial and Natural Intelligence. Research and Development in Machine Design, 6(3),38–42.

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