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Design and Development of an Automatic Brick-Making Machine for Various Materials

Sanatkumar V. Damania, Sandeep Soni


In all regions of India, bricks are the most popular construction material. Most brick manufacturing industries rely on manpower since most of the conventional processes involved in brick-making are performed by humans. All such industries produce bricks using clay extracted from the earth's surface. To reinforce the bricks, coal or other carbonaceous fuels are burned in kilns, which results in emissions of hazardous gases, thereby polluting the environment and harmful to human being. The development of mechanised brick production was inspired by the human fatigue due to exaustive working conditions in manual production, the depletion of natural resources, and the release of hazardous gases to atmosphere. The research's main objective was to create alternate brick manufacturing methods and materials in order to address issues with existing procedures. It has been primarily targeted to replace energy-intensive procedures with optional ones or to have machines carry out labour-intensive processes like mixing and moulding. The brick moulding procedure is automated using moulding machines, and the bricks are cured in a separate environment. This article primarily focuses on the mechanisation of the brick moulding process and its modularity with regard to brick size and shape. Due to a relay and adjustable limit switch-based control circuit, this fully-automatic machine may also be operated in manual mode at different settings with little setup. The machine's kinematics are determined by taking ergonomics and interchangeability into account. The dimensions for the critically loaded machine parts have been finalised by FEA and are mainly determined by empirical relations.

Cite as:

Sanatkumar V. Damania, & Sandeep Soni. (2023). Design and Development of an Automatic Brick-Making Machine for Various Materials. Research and Development in Machine Design, 6(3), 41–56.

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