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Affordable and Efficient Design of a Low-Cost Sanitization by using PLC

Shubham Rajendra Patil, Sonali Rajendra Patil, Shailesh Sunil Todkar, S. S. Sutar, R. S. Bobade


In the wake of global health concerns, the demand for effective sanitization solutions has never been higher. This research focuses on the development of a low-cost sanitization machine that ensures optimal hygiene without compromising affordability. The proposed design incorporates innovative technologies and materials to achieve efficient disinfection, making it accessible to a broader range of users. The study explores the integration of cost-effective components without sacrificing the efficacy of the sanitization process. The machine's performance is evaluated through comprehensive testing, validating its ability to mitigate the spread of pathogens in various settings. This research contributes to the ongoing efforts to make advanced sanitization technology accessible to diverse communities, fostering a safer and healthier environment for all.

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