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Smart Wheelchair for Disabled People

Anshul Tyagi, Anshuman Sharma, Arika Singh


There are a lot of people who are suffering from disabilities. Some of them are disabled by birth and some of them are disabled due to accidents. So, there is the need of something by which those people can go here and there. A person has lot of works which he/she must do by themselves. So, the concept of wheelchair is become the mandatory part of their life. Normal wheelchairs must be operated manually. Many disabled persons are not able to put that much force to move wheelchair that much is required. They need a helper to move them from one place to another. Now there should be something by which they become independent of other persons help. They can operate wheelchair by themselves. So, the concept of automating wheelchair plays an important role in those people’s life. They can go anywhere by giving command through voice, or by pressing keys, or by joystick, etc. There are a lot of features we have put in this wheelchair. On a single press person can go to the destination without doing any effort.

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