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Smart Irrigation System using IoT in Nepal

Rakhee Pandey, Shreeya Khadka, Scarlet Rauniyar, Ashish Kr. Jha


Since agriculture is the foundation of the Nepalese economy, it merits modernization. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a cutting-edge technology that is currently playing a significant role in agriculture to improve crop output, overcome the shortcomings of traditional farming techniques, reduce the risk of crop damage, and make optimal use of water resources. As a result, the "Smart Irrigation System" paper is offered, in which a vast amount of real-time data from the agricultural fields is collected using a soil sensor. Through an Internet connection, the sensors communicate with one another. Using a wireless sensor network, the Web server received the sensor data. The sensed data is analysed and processed using IoT framework. The soil moisture can be monitored by the farmer. Water waste that is unnecessary can be prevented in this way. The numerous experiments conducted in this context are discussed in this study, and a system module for modernized irrigation that is very inexpensive and equipped with sensors and wireless networks is shown. The poor quality of the crops also causes financial losses. The Smart Irrigation and Monitoring System, which makes use of the most recent IoT technology, is beneficial in this situation and makes farming easier.

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