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A Survey on Applications of Virtual Reality

Khallikkunaisa ., Aneesh M, Hari Shankar Shaw, Karan Beckham Alex


Virtual reality, As the name suggests has two parts given to it, virtual meaning “non-existing” and reality meaning something that “exists”. Virtual reality could be defined as “a simulation or representation of the real world”. (Wei Wang, 4 June 2020) The difference between the Virtual world and Real-world: The base difference is the presence of the physical form of a person, whereas this difference is excluded by many researchers. Another difference that can be taken is the presence of taking risks. There are different types of sectors in which virtual reality is used Virtual reality gaming provides an artificially fabricated scenario of a crime scene through hardware like headsets, joysticks, etc. to train personnel in a more immersive environment and eliminate the risk of serious injury during training. Another problem that could be solved using virtual reality is Dispatch priming. Dispatch priming is a condition when law officers act on a crime scene based on a complaint call. The most useful function of VR in retail is making the connection between customers and brands stronger. With VR, customers can feel the product, try it on, and see it in their ordinary environment. In training V.R gaming/serious gaming is


used to provide physical stimulation of complex surgical processes to trainees that help in the development of required skills for the job. VR can greatly help to make a well-prepared plan to proceed with vacation tours. VR lets to experience without even setting foot. Virtual reality is the perfect tool for education, which is because it allows the students to learn about the subject physically in their mind with the help of the virtual reality headset.

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