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An Implementation Review of Forward Kinematics of Robotic Arm

Sunny Orike, Chima K. Obisike, Dennis A. Echendu


Forward kinematics is a fundamental aspect of robotic arm analysis, providing a mathematical framework to comprehend the spatial configuration of the arm's end-effector based on the joint variables. In robotics, the forward kinematics are always pose as a difficult problem during its design due to its significance and methodologies based on the matrix analysis on its mathematical models and the process of resolving it. It involves an understanding the spatial relationship between joint angles and the resulting position and orientation of the end-effector and its pivotal in designing, controlling, and planning the motion of robotic arms. The Denavit-Hartenberg parameters and transformation matrices are key components used to formulate the mathematical expressions governing forward kinematics. The parameters are standard conventions which facilitate the derivation of transformation matrices, aiding in the systematic computation of the end-effector. The practical implications of forward kinematics were highlighted, emphasizing its role in motion planning, control algorithms, and robotic system design. The Challenges associated with forward kinematics, such as redundancy and singularities, are acknowledged. In our review on forward kinematics of robotic arm, the integration of computational tools, including MATLAB and simulation environments, facilitates efficient and precise solutions. In all of this, to resolve and improve in our daily manufacturing processes and other field in human activities, forward kinematics serves as a cornerstone in the field of robotics, providing a fundamental understanding of the spatial relationships within robotic arms. As technological advancements continue, further exploration of forward kinematics remains critical for enhancing the efficiency, accuracy, and adaptability of robotic systems across various industries and applications.

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