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Pareto Analysis. A Categorical Imperative in the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Engineering Production Processes

Imaekhai Lawrence, Atemonokhai I. Sinatra


This paper is centered on the use of Pareto Analysis for the illustration of categorical possibilities of evaluating the effectiveness of engineering production processes. This is achievable by employing progressive technologies in dividing materials on the specific component and the evaluation of its effectiveness and quality. In producing component the plasma, laser and water jet was the method employed. Pareto method was engaged in the elimination of the irregularities in quality of the resulting component. The aim is to determine the most efficient method using established evaluation model of efficiency from the available technical knowledge. The result shows that plasma device is the most effective device for dividing the chosen component.

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Imaekhai Lawrence, & Atemonokhai I. Sinatra. (2021). Pareto Analysis. A Categorical Imperative in the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Engineering Production Processes. Research and reviews on experimental and applied mechanics, 4(2), 1–7.

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