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Algorithmic Simulation of Sheet Forming with Specific Emphasis on Yield Surface Distortion

Imaekhai Lawrence, Atemonokhai I. Sinatra


The processes of sheet forming are imperative as lots of attentions is drawn in their advantages on a very rapid prototyping, irrespective of special dies and short lead time implications. The algorithmic simulation has shown to be a categorical method to quicken the investigation of the forming process and in the prediction of the defects. In the course of this study, mixed nonlinear hardening and an extended and completely coupled ductile damage model with mixed nonlinear hardening was employed to simulate the sheet forming process. In same vain, the consideration of the yield surface distortion is also categorically imperative in this model, which tends to enhance capability in modeling the behavior of metallic material under complex loading paths. Nevertheless, several simulations were also conducted with the proposed model. In addition to this, in order to investigate the loading path effect during sheet formation process, one tension-shear orthogonal loading test was assigned on the one representative element. The influence of yield surface distortion on sheet formation process was proven when a comparison of the equivalent plastic strain and ductile damage evolution of the blank was done.

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Imaekhai Lawrence, & Atemonokhai I. Sinatra. (2021). Algorithmic Simulation of Sheet Forming with Specific Emphasis on Yield Surface Distortion. Research and Reviews on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, 4(3), 1–12.

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