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Wi-Fi Based Smart LPG Monitoring and Control with Automatic Booking Alert System

P Prakash, Dhanush S., Dharaneesh A., Mohan Bharathi K.


In recent times there was a rapid development in the technology which has made human lifestyles less complicated in numerous factors. LPG cylinders become the integral part which is widely used in households. The customers don’t know about the usage of gas exactly and when they need to book a refill. The leakage of gas results dangerous accidents and serious problems in the household. The control measures should be taken at the respective time by the user. So, in this project we designed an IOT based system which helps in tracking the level of gasoline left inside the cylinder, detecting and controlling the gas leakage and sends an alert to the user to book a new cylinder if the gas level is low.

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Prakash P., Dhanush S., Dharaneesh A, & Mohan Bharathi K. (2023). Wi-Fi Based Smart LPG Monitoring and Control with Automatic Booking Alert System. Research and Reviews on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, 5(3), 1–8.

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