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Fabrication of 360° Rotating Four-Wheel Vehicle

J. Narendra, K. Raju, K. Vijay Kumar, P. Michael Manohar, E. Madhu Sruthi


The study aims for development of a system to reduce the turning radius of vehicles. The goal of this project Ids to reduce the space required for parking by allowing vehicles to be parked in any direction. This is achieved through the use of a chain mechanism and DC motors that enable the constant rotation of the wheels in any direction. The rotation of the wheels is controlled by a DPDT switch which ensures precise and smooth movement. This project aims provide a practical solution to the problem of limited parking space which can be applied in a variety of settings such as residential and commercial areas.

Cite as

J. Narendra, K. Raju, K. Vijay Kumar, P. Michael Manohar, & E. Madhu Sruthi. (2023). Fabrication of 360° Rotating Four-Wheel Vehicle. Research and Reviews on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, 6(1), 1–6.

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